Monday, November 29, 2010

Increasing sectional tension

Above is a link to an excellent summary of rising sectional tension that goes well with chapters18 and 19

Monday, November 22, 2010

Chapter 18 Outline

Chapter 18 Outline

I. How was territorial expansion and the slavery question intertwined?

A. Popular sovereignty

—–1. abolitionists

—–2. fire-eaters

B. California

C. Nicaragua and Cuba—the Golden Circle

D. Gadsden Purchase

E. Kansas- Nebraska Act

II. What were the political effects of the struggle?

A. Election of 1848

B. The “Immortal Trio”

——-1. speeches

C. Other Senate Notables

D. Young Guard versus Old Guard

E. Southern Response at Nashville

III. Compromises and Endings- What are the effects of this increased tension?

A. Compromise of 1850

B. The Whigs

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

my teacher page

Here is the link to my teacher web page.  Go to
AP Students: once there, go resources, AP US History and click on the documents and links you need.